Now in sch at comp lab~
Can do anything so I post, since certain SOMEBOY said I nid update~...
By THe WAY!!!
Ying Tong is beside me rite now, n i teachin her how to make blog.
Since there are some XML problems or wadeva that was, it could not be made.
TOO BAD!!!!!
That sounds freakinly like a sadist.-.-!
Nid train in Audi, i deprovin seriously.
Please do not purposely challenge me.
My self esteem is lowered enough.
I naudi I finally lvl up to a pathetic number 12.
Got enough DEN to buy 60k hair.
I regretted buyin the school uniform n skirt.
The cheap turtleneck and Denim was sweet enough.=_____________=Labels: |8D Muahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa.............0.0lll

Chobits rawk.
Just finished watchin Ep8...
should be "CLAMP team rox!"
I saw their group photo...
oh and Im down with a bad cold tdae.
Bren says I sound like Im cryin.
Decided not to have lockers becuz didnt bring enough $$$ and oso think that it is a waste.
Still, alot ppl bought lockers.